Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fresh Air

So glad to be back amongst the living. The last two days Greg and I were down for the count with a bad case of the stomach flu. I think we are on the mend; now feeling 100% better. Beware! It's out there -- don't get caught with it.

On a happier note, I was able to visit and cuddle with this cutie of a kitten that is being raised by a friend who fosters animals. This little bell was so adorable with it's beautiful markings and crystal blue eyes. If you know anyone that would love to adopt, please let me know.

More importantly -- HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend Lori. I miss you terribly and can't wait to celebrate in Vegas soon. You are loved and missed more than ever. Cheers!

Enjoy this day,

1 comment:

Ashley said...

That is such a great picture of the 2 of ya'll!! You guys will have so much fun in Vegas...I know you both need it!