Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From the Weekend

I'm getting slow in my old age.....

Here is a recap of yet another fun weekend.
Breanna came to visit on Friday - we had a lot of girl time. We got some yogurt on Friday night after her arrival. Always a yummy treat.

Saturday I started my day with a nice long walk bright and early. So love walking when there is peace in the air; the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the air is crisp and clean.
Saturday afternoon was a time spent shopping - a girls favorite activity. We found a lot of good deals and came home with a lot of packages.

Saturday night we went to a friend's house in Livermore for a BBQ. They fired up some 2 inch think rib eyes - super yummy and too filling.

Sunday we treated ourselves to a pedicure - way overdue for me. It was so relaxing and pampering.
We had the family over for our Sunday dinner; always a fun time.

We finished off the weekend with our salsa lesson.

It was a great set of days.

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